We are called to be rivers, not reservoirs, and so we set aside a portion of funds

to care for others near and  far in our annual budget process. Here are a

few of those we lovingly support on a monthly basis.



Operating since 2005 under the direction of Dr. Harry and Echo (PAC) VanderWal, The Luke Commission (TLC) offers free healthcare and hope to people to the people of Eswatini, in partnership with the Emaswati people and the Ministry of Health. 



Derek and Jessica Seaberg are serving with Chi Alpha in Moscow, ID on the University of Idaho campus. The Seabergs have been serving the students of UofI for over 10 years and Cedar Hills was one of the first churches to come alongside them in partnership.


Chi Alpha's mission is to reconcile college and university student to Christ, equipping them through Spirit-filled communities of prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship, and mission to transform the university, the marketplace and the world.


Jake and Sarah Clausen are serving with Cru on the University of Oregon campus in Eugene, Oregon. They were a part of Cedar Hills for two years after they were married. They felt God call them to full time college ministry while at CH, and have been with Cru in Oregon for over five years now. Cedar Hills is honored to be one of their first financial partners during their entire time with Cru.


The purpose of Cru is to fulfill the Great Commission by leading college age students to faith in Jesus Christ, building them up in their faith and sending them to reach others.



Chris and Ashley Irvin have called Cedar Hills home since 2011 when they moved to North Idaho. They dove straight into leading a long-standing small group, volunteering with Student Life and eventually were part of the Outreach and Serving Team, and Chris served as an elder for several years. They eventually realized they were called to volunteer in Brazil full-time in 2021, with Cedar Hills family sending them off. Currently Chris and Ashley partner with both Action International and ABBA living in the heart of São Paulo serving at risk kids at a prevention project.


Colin and Rebekah Moody serve with The Luke Commission in Eswatini on the African continent. Colin served on our pastoral team for almost 15 years before responding to the call to move to the missions field and join the TLC team, where he met his wife Bekka.


Bekka serves on their lead medical team and Colin serves on Staff Development by leading the training, onboarding and spiritual development for hundreds of TLC's national team members.



Marco and Elise Farinelli were a part of Cedar Hills in 2018-2019 before they went back abroad to serve at Marco's family's church plant. Their passion is to equip God’s people in Italy to do His work and to build up and unite His church. We aim to “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ,” (Ephesians 4:12-13 ESV).


The past three years, Marco & Elise have been working with the local church that Marcelo's family planted 23 years ago: helping to establish vision, grow leaders, and grow and rebirth ministries.