Thank you for your support!
At Cedar Hills Church, we believe in honoring your generosity through faithful stewardship, ethical practices, and transparency.
Your gifts aren't just about keeping the lights on; they're about trusting God and returning to Him what He already owns.
By giving, we put God first in our lives (Matthew 6:33) and acknowledge Him as the source of every good thing (James 1:17).
Your contributions sustain our local ministry and extend our reach beyond our region, supporting our mission to transform lives through Jesus Christ.
Giving fuels our ability to live on mission and to make a difference both locally and globally We've made it easy to contribute through our secure online system, where you can make one-time donations or set up recurring gifts.
Thank you for partnering with us in this vital work. Your generosity fuels our mission of helping every person in our community to experience full life in Jesus Christ.
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. — Matthew 6:33
Campus Expansion
Our Call
Cedar Hills is all about people—it always has been and always will be. We’ve never had the desire to build an expensive cathedral. We’d rather invest into people. We do, however, see the value in facility stewardship. We see brick and mortar as a tool that enables us to share Christ with our community and meet people's needs.
Our Plan
Next-Gen Wing
Extending the interior hallway all the way to the south end of the
building, eliminating the need for outside traffic and making south
bathrooms accessible.
Enclosing every classroom, increasing Next Gen safety and security.
Dedicated storage space (we currently have none).
Upgrading south auditorium tech and equipment.
Installation of security key fobs on all Next Gen Ministries doors.
Expanded Lobby
Extending the lobby to accommodate more people and conversation.
Provide additional seating/meeting spaces.
Connect Selkirk wing to the lobby, eliminating the need for outside traffic.
Adding 10,000+ft2
of Outdoor Connection Space
Replace unnecessary asphalt with grass lawn near the Tamarack wing
Install outdoor play structure for children.
Create a comfortable and permanent courtyard with landscaping, tables,
and benches where families and friends can connect.